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Eight Causes of Michigan Motorcycle Accidents in 2018

October 29, 2018
Personal injury insurance claim document

Motorcycle accidents can be extremely dangerous and potentially deadly for those involved. If you are considering a motorcycle ride on a Michigan freeway or through a city like Detroit, you should be aware of the different things that could cause you to have an accident. Being aware of these things can help you to be prepared to avoid them, thus preventing a potentially fatal motorcycle accident. A Michigan motorcycle accident lawyer at our firm can help guide you on how to file a Michigan motorcycle accident claim if you or a loved one was recently injured in a motorcycle accident. Do not hesitate to call us, we are always standing by to help you.


Lane-splitting occurs when a motorcyclist rides on the center line between two lanes. This practice is illegal in the state of Michigan and is also highly dangerous. If you are riding a motorcycle, you should be sure to avoid lane-splitting.

Changing lanes in an unsafe way

When changing lanes while riding a motorcycle, you should be sure to pay close attention to the other vehicles around. Make sure that you signal appropriately and that you have plenty of room when maneuvering into another lane.

Not following posted speed limits

Speed limits exist for a reason: to ensure that all vehicles are driving in sync and at appropriate speeds. Speeding on a motorcycle can be very dangerous and might even be deadly. When riding a motorcycle, you should always be aware of, and obedient to posted speed limits.

Making sudden stops

It is dangerous to stop suddenly when on a motorcycle because the vehicles behind and around you may not be able to stop as quickly as your motorcycle. You should always watch out for potential areas where you may need to stop and prepare to make those stops by slowing down in such a way that ensures other vehicles can also come to a gentle stop. A Detroit motorcycle accident lawyer can help you understand Michigan motorcycle claim time limits.

Unsafe road conditions

Potholes, construction, and icy roads are just a few of the hazards that can cause a road or street to be dangerous. You should always be aware of and prepared for, potential road hazards. Being prepared is the best method of ensuring that you able to have a safe motorcycle ride.

Defective motorcycles

A motorcycle that is defective or is in disrepair causes extreme risk to you, as the rider. You should always keep up to date with any potential defects in your motorcycle. It is also important to make sure that you keep your motorcycle in good working order. Taking these actions can help to ensure that your motorcycle doesn’t break down in the middle of a ride, which could leave you stranded or cause a serious accident.

Accidents involving left turns

When riding a motorcycle, it is important to be cautious while making left turns. This is because, in order to make the turn, you have to cross through a lane of oncoming traffic. You should always be cautious and highly aware of your surroundings when making a turn to the left on a motorcycle.

Car doors opening

If you are riding a motorcycle down a street where cars are parallel parked, you should watch out for opening car doors. It is important to be vigilant about a door opening because sometimes people exiting vehicles are not always able to see you as you approach, and they may accidentally hit you with the door.


The first step to a safe motorcycle ride is to make yourself aware of any potential hazards, and take the necessary precautions to avoid those hazards. In the unfortunate event that you have a motorcycle accident, you should be sure to look into contacting one of the personal injury attorneys at Moss & Colella. A Michigan motorcycle accident lawyer at our firm will review your case and help you determine any additional actions you should take in order to pursue a case.

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I HIGHLY recommend David Moss; he exceeded my expectations numerous times, and I feel fortunate and blessed to have worked with him and his team. Moss & Colella attorneys have relentless perseverance and dedication for everyone they represent.
If this firm takes your case, it's in exceptionally experienced hands. The hands of attorneys who care about your well-being and the outcome of your litigation!
When I got into a car accident, my life changed. David and Ryan understood how this change affected my livelihood and mobility. They handled my case professionally, and I couldn't be more thankful for all of the sincere guidance and help provided throughout this process.
Thanks so much for everything!!!

The Burls


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The attorneys of Moss & Colella have carefully chosen their career paths to fight for those that have suffered from injury and wrongful death. We believe every citizen should have the right to hire the best lawyer who will actively advocate for their case.

David Moss and Vince Colella have over 60 collective years of personal injury trial experience that provides you a level of legal services and success unmatched by other firms. By working together, we have the ability to find creative, effective, and efficient solutions to even the most complex cases. No matter what situation you face, we will help you get through it.

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